Only one online renewal permitted per item.
If you need more time - bring the item in to the Circulation Counter to check-in & check-out again.

- Click "My Blume Account" under the Quick Links menu on the left side of the library homepage.
- Enter the requested information >>>
- Your first and last name (as it appears on your St. Mary's Rattler ID card or TexShare Card)
- Your ID number (type the last 6 or 7 digits after "S00" or the borrower ID number on your TexShare Card)
- Click "Submit"
From here (below), you can see all the items you currently have checked out and their respective due dates on the right:

- Select items to Renew
- To renew items individually: click the checkbox(es) in next to the title and then click the "Renew Marked" button at the top.
- To renew ALL items: click the "Renew All" button at the top.
- Confirm the item(s) you are renewing by clicking "Yes" or "No"

- You will be redirected back to the main screen & can now see your updated Due Date!