Once you find books in our catalog, and you have located them in our library, you may check them out with your St. Mary's Rattler ID at the Circulation Counter on the 2nd (Main) Floor. If you find online books, click on the link in the middle of the item's complete record to view the book or item. If you have questions, contact a librarian.
Visit our eBooks page.
TexShare provides a statewide card program through which current St. Mary's students, faculty, and staff may check out materials, in person, from participating TexShare libraries.
To get a free TexShare card, complete the online application linked below. Once your application has been received and a card has been generated, you will receive an email directing you to pick up the TexShare card at the Blume Library Circulation Counter. With a TexShare card, you may directly borrow books, music, movies and more from any other participating TexShare library, just as if you were a card-holder there. TexShare cards are valid for one semester only. You will need to get a new card each semester. You must present a current TexShare card, your St. Mary's Rattler ID card, and a photo ID (if your St. Mary's ID does not include a photo) at the library from which you wish to borrow materials.
Borrowers from other institutions can pay TexShare fines, assessed by the Blume Library, with a credit card using our online payment form.