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EN 4398 - Modernism

Resources for this course in literary modernism.

What is Modernism?

From a course syllabus: "Modernism is described in a chronology in The Cambridge Companion to Modernism as an epoch beginning in 1890 and ending with the beginning of WWII. This may describe the boundaries of an epoch, but it does not necessarily describe the boundaries of Modernism. The chronology does include dates of publication for works generally considered as benchmarks of literary Modernism, most notably those of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and James Joyce. Most of the works by these and other Modernists share some characteristics of style particularly in the use of language as fluid rather than static, opening possibilities of meaning rather than proscribing them. However, this course considers Modernism in a broader sense as a cultural, social and political force as well as an artistic style."

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EN 4398 Modernism course description

EN 4398 - Modernism: This course tracks Modernism as a concept from its beginnings as a major aesthetic and philosophical revolt to its evolution as it is reflected in a variety of literary works.

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