Visit Academic Technology Services!
Services we provide:
Issues in the classroom? Dial ext.1054 or 355-0362 (cell) for classroom assistance.
Short-term check-outs and reservations can be made for renting laptops, projectors, sound equipment, and video recording equipment.
Formerly known as the Faculty Instructional Technology (FIT) Lab. Mac/Windows computers available for training, webinars, demos, and small class instruction.
Weekly scheduled workshops are held in the CIT Lab. One-to-one sessions are departmental sessions are available on-site and by request.
Training sessions are available to meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff. One-to-one sessions and departmental sessions are available on-site and by request.
Open space for faculty to stop by for instructional design support, project support, discussions, demonstrations, or meetings.
Three private spaces are available for faculty and staff. We provide a space for one-on-one assistance, sound recording, or completing course materials.
High-definition/Blu-Ray display, theater sound and cinema seating.