Primary counties:
Adjacent counties:
Potentially affected counties:
Fracturing (or "fracking") is the advanced drilling process that is used in the Eagle Ford region and in other sites around the country. Here are some informational sites explaining the process:
The Eagle Ford formation isn't the only shale formation experiencing a hydraulic fracturing boom. Here are links to information about some other major areas:
The Eagle Ford Shale is a geological formation underlying parts of South Texas that is rich in hydrocarbons (gas and oil). Characteristics of the formation make it particularly amenable to extracting these resources through hydraulic fracturing and other advanced extraction techniques.
Consult the boxes below for more information about the formation, about hydraulic fracturing, and about the effects of the drilling on these areas.
The box on the left identifies the counties immediately and adjacently involved in the Eagle Ford Shale extraction activity.
This map is taken from the Texas Railroad Commission website. In Texas the Railroad Commission is in charge of regulating the oil and gas industry.
The quickest way to find articles in our Library databases is to enter "Eagle Ford shale" (in quotes). Use the search widgets on below on the left and right, or these links. Note that the resources restricted to St. Mary's University students, faculty, and staff for off-campus use are marked with this graphic:
UTSA Institute for Economic Development reports:
In 2013, the San Antonio Express-News published a series of reports entitled "Life on the Shale." To find them, search "karnes and maccormack" on the paper's public website or through a subscription to the digital version. You can also access the paper through the Newsbank database if you have a library card from the San Antonio Public Library.
Other media stories about Eagle Ford issues:
This guide was originally developed by retired librarian Kathy Amen.
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