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Sustainability Resources

Resources for use in ES 3301 - Environmental Science Seminar, ES 3303A - Sustainability, and other courses.

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

EPAThe EPA has a vast web presence but offers various means of navigating it. For basic information check out their "Learn the Issues" tab. More detailed scientific information on a variety of subjects is under "Science and Technology." There's also an interactive map for finding information by geographic area.

checkHere is their major page dealing with the topic of Sustainability.

Some other major subsidiary sites of EPA are:

Search for sustainability topics using logo

More resources

Some important reports in the Library's government documents stacks:

  • President's Council on Sustainable Development (President Clinton). PR 42.8:SU 8/ . Reports on energy, transportation, natural resources, etc.
  • Climate Action Report. S 1.2:C 61/2/ . 1994, 1997, 2002. Submissions of the U.S. under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. Some years are available online


Water Agencies & Issues

San Antonio & Bexar County

Environmental Information from the Government

booksMajor tools for finding government information: