1136 pages. 3 volumes. Information and ready-to-use facts from the fields of measurement and statistics. Specifically designed to appeal to beginning and intermediate-level students, practitioners, researchers, and consumers of information. Appendix A is a guide to basic statistics for those readers who require an instructional step-by-step presentation of basic concepts in statistics and measurement. Appendix B is a table of critical values used in hypothesis testing and an important part of any reference in this area. Appendix C represents a collection of some most important and useful measurement and statistics Websites.
1719 pages. 3 volumes. Explains how to make decisions about research design, undertake research projects in an ethical manner, interpret and draw valid inferences from data, and evaluate experiment design strategies and results.
494 pages. 2 volumes. Covers all major facets of survey research methodology, from selecting the sample design and the sampling frame, designing and pretesting the questionnaire, data collection, and data coding, to the issues surrounding diminishing response rates, confidentiality, privacy, informed consent and other ethical issues, data weighting, and data analyses.
1014 pages. 2 volumes. Defines and explains core concepts, describes the techniques involved in the implementation of qualitative methods, and presents an overview of qualitative approaches to research. Covers every major facet of qualitative methods, including access to research participants, data coding, research ethics, and the role of theory in qualitative research.
1105 pages. 2 volumes. Provides students and researchers with a comprehensive overview of contemporary communication theory. More than 300 entries address topics related not only to paradigms, traditions, and schools, but also metatheory, methodology, inquiry, and applications and contexts.
858 pages. 2 volumes. Discusses the major theoretical approaches to the field, including direct and limited effects theories, agenda-setting theories, sociological theories, framing and priming theories, and other past and present conceptualizations. Focuses on important political messages such as political speeches, televised political advertising, political posters and print advertising, televised political debates, and Internet sites.
1095 pages. 2 volumes. Provides information about health, environment, and technology, as well as science itself, to improve our understanding of how people think, form opinions, and process information.
4000 pages. 9 volumes. Complements the first edition. Highlights the expanding influence of economics in social science research and features new articles and biographies contributed by scholars from around the world on a wide array of global topics in the social sciences. The 1st edition is also searchable through Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library).
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