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Environmental Science Resources

description of library and internet resources useful for research in environmental topics

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Gale eBooks

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GreenFILE database - Ebsco

Encyclopedia of Earth

This online, open-source encyclopedia is a collaborative effort of organizations and agencies around the world:

Encyclopedia of Earth

Environmental Encyclopedias

Here are a few encyclopedias included in the Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) collection:

More starting points

Government agencies and other organizations also have good basic topic pages that can help form a strong foundation for your research. Here are some of them:

Environmental Organizations

Many organizations collect and compile environmental information, and some even conduct their own research. When using organizational websites for research, be sure to be aware of potential sources of bias or agendas that they might be pushing. Look at the "Evaluate" tab in this LibGuide for tips on how to be sure you're using good sources.

Here are some major organizations:


This guide was originally developed by retired librarian Kathy Amen.