Define the following Library and information science terms:
- abstract
- access
- aggregator
- archive
- article
- bibliographic or bibliography
- book
- Boolean operator
- catalog
- code or coding
- copyright
- database
- descriptor
- digital commons
- digital humanities
- digitization
- digitizing
- Discover
- eBooks
- fair use
- festschrift
- folio
- Gale eBooks
- Google Scholar
- index
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
- information governance
- information technology (IT)
- institutional repository
- journal
- library
- library catalog
- MARC record
- metadata
- methodology
- MLA International Bibliography
- monograph
- My EBSCOhost
- navigation
- online
- periodical
- print
- provenance
- search engine
- semiotics
- social media
- subject heading
- subscription databases
- tangible books or tangible items
- theory
- thesaurus
- truncation
- WorldCat