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CR 3327 - Mediation Techniques

tips on searching for books, journal articles, government publications, and ebooks plus links to academic and other organizations in the field

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What's in this guide

signpostIn this guide you'll find some general tips on searching the journal literature, and searching the Library's Catalog for books, ebooks, government publications, videos, etc., in the field of mediation.

Under the Organizations/Agencies tab, you'll find links to university-based centers for conflict resolution, as well as to other organizations in the field, and some government agencies.

If you have any questions about the material in this guide, or need further consultation to help you find information, please contact me, or the Library's Research Station, using the information in the boxes on the right below.

Except for the database logos, the graphics used on these pages are from Realm Graphics.


This guide was originally developed by retired librarian Kathy Amen.