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MN 2320 - Business Communications

resource for Spring 2021 class by Dr. Laura Walsh


This MN 2320 class guide describes resources taught in the Spring 2021 class research session.

See the Discover Search Examples page for an example of how to search and set limits

In addition, this MN2320 guide includes additional resources and guides that will be useful for future research in this class and other business courses. 

Resources Discussed in Class

Database Demonstration

Other Resources Discussed

Get a Public Library Card

You can get a public library card in San Antonio and in Bexar County if you live in the county, including in the St. Mary's University residence halls. Our local public libraries offer databases, books & eBooks, eAudiobooks, videos, and more. 

You should get a local public library card to increase your access to library materials.

Related Guides

Test Remote Access

Remote Access

I recommend that you test your remote access to databases (off-campus access).  Your username is your ID number (without the S00 prefix) and your password is your last name. 

Email the library if you have trouble with remote access.