Search these databases to find articles, books, videos, and more on psychology topics.
The ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) database is a portal to education research including journal articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, and more. The US Department of Education maintains ERIC.
The two main categories included in ERIC are:
ERIC uses Descriptors to help users find materials that have the same subject but may use different terminology. You will find Descriptors with their definitions and related terms in the ERIC Thesaurus.
How to: 1) conduct a basic keyword search in ERIC and 2) interpret your search results.
A keyword search is a great way to begin your first search.
In this search, I want to find articles that discuss self esteem issues in college students. I've decided to limit to peer reviewed journals. You would bring up the ERIC database type in "self esteem and college students" in the search box. Then, in the Search Options section, select the Peer Reviewed box and select Journal Articles (EJ) to limit to journals.
Results of a search for the phrases "self esteem" and "college students". Click on the article title to read the abstract and to view the complete article if it is available. The "Subject" words under an article are important to note since they offer suggestions of other terms you could search to find related articles.
I recommend using the ERIC Thesaurus to improve your search. The Thesaurus lists all the formal "descriptors" used by the ERIC staff. These subject words bring together articles with similar ideas, but with different terminology, under one term.
This page gives you tips on how to 1) find the best search term(s) with the Thesaurus and 2) add multiple terms to your search.
The ERIC Thesaurus is a useful tool to figure out which word(s) to use when searching to find all articles the same topic. For instance, people of a certain age might be called "young adults", "teenagers", "youth", etc. What's the best terms to find all articles on this group?
When you search the Thesaurus for "teenagers", you will see that the subject term is "adolescents". Use would use "adolescents" instead of teenagers, or other words, to bring together all articles on this age group.
The ERIC Thesaurus provides the definition of a subject word and the related, broader, and narrower subject. As you can see, "adolescents" is defined as people from ages 13-17. You can add just this term or check other related boxes to add more terms. When you click add after choosing multiple words, ERIC will add these words in a OR search that find article that have at least one of these search words.