Includes local, regional, national, and international newspapers, as well as non-English language news; business information about US and international companies; federal, state, and international legal materials including case law, media transcripts, and more.
Nexis Uni features more than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
I suggest searching Nexis Uni to find current newspaper articles for the terms: reusable and "shopping bags" and marketing. Search the default All News.
After your initial search, you can narrow your results by location or geography, publication type, subject, industry, time, sources, language, etc.
The Company Dossier search, in Nexis Uni, allows you to create custom lists by company, executive, industry, or by uploading a list of tickers to retrieve lists by company or executives. The most popular search at St. Mary's is Create a Company List. You can find out more information on this tool in the guide: Nexis Uni Company Dossier Tutorial.
You will find the Company Dossier search under the Business category on the Nexis Uni homepage.