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Catholic Social Teaching

Resources for understanding Catholic Social Teaching and its application in the modern world.

Catholic Social Teaching: Background

What is Catholic Social Teaching?

"Catholic Social Teaching is the tradition of thought in which the Church seeks to advance justice in the world by engaging social, cultural, political and economic realities in our day. Thus, Catholic Social Teaching is both fitting and essential to the Catholic university's mission: the education and formation of its students, the research it undertakes, and the conduct of its corporate and institutional life." [1]

Through papal, conciliar, and episcopal documents the Church articulates its reflection on a given social reality and critics these realities based on the Catholic faith tradition. Thus the faithful of the church make an attempt to bring to life these teachings through loving action. This teachings are very organic, much like society; as society changes and new challenges develop so to does Catholic Social Teaching trying to respond to the current challenges and joys being faced by a given society.

Catholic Social Teaching and the Marianist University

"The Marianist approach to higher education is deeply committed to the common good. The intellectual life itself is undertaken as a form of service in the interest of justice and peace, and the university curriculum is designed to connect the classroom with the wider world. In addition, Marianist universities extend a special concern for the poor and marginalized and promote the dignity, rights and responsibilities of all peoples." [2]

     [1] "Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Teaching"  Brochure of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities,
           Washington, D.C., original previously available at
     [2] Characteristics of Marianist Universities A Resource Paper. Association of Marianist Universities, 1999.

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Catholic Higher Education - Embracing Social Justice

Catholic Higher Education - embracing social justice

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Diane Duesterhoeft
Reference/Instruction Librarian
Louis J. Blume Library

St. Mary's University
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228-8608 USA

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