I encourage St. Mary's distance learning students to use the library's book collection.
Discover is the best search to determine if the Blume Library owns the book you need. Discover includes print books and eBooks. eBooks offer a fast alternative for distance students who need immediate access to book resources. You may want to limit your Discover search to eBooks or search one of the eBook collections listed below.
Use the Library Catalog to 1) search for print items in the Blume Library and 2) use the My Library Account to see what you have checked out.
The WorldCat database allows you to search for library holdings at library worldwide. You can use WorldCat to find books in libraries in your area.
Find books, ebooks, movies, music, government information, and more in the Library Catalog.
Don't forget to ask a librarian for help if you have questions.
Here is a list of our primary eBook collections.
Search WorldCat for books, journals, primary and archival resources, and other materials owned by libraries in Texas and worldwide.
You can request materials we do not own via Interlibrary Loan.
Don't forget to ask a librarian for help if you have questions.