Louis J. Blume Library Mission Statement
The Blume Library supports the mission of the University and the work of all members of the University community by providing appropriate resources to foster intellectual growth, welcoming environments that enable students and faculty to discover and integrate the many branches of human knowledge, and various types of assistance in scholarly endeavors.
Revised January 23, 2015
Goal: Provide seamless access to scholarly resources regardless of resource format or location of the user.
1.1.Objective: Taking advantage of partnerships, consortia, borrowing arrangements, and new technologies, acquire and organize journals, books, media, government documents, and other forms of scholarly communication, such as blogs and wikis, and make these resources easily accessible to Library users.
1.2.Objective: Update cataloging technology, processes and workflows to provide the highest quality intellectual access to information resources in order to support research, teaching and learning for the St. Mary’s University community and beyond.
2.1.Objective: Effectively connect new faculty with information, services and a primary Librarian contact to enable them to enter the University’s research and teaching environment successfully.
2.2.Objective: Increase the profile of the St. Mary’s University faculty by capturing, promoting, and disseminating their intellectual output.
3.Goal: Promote and develop support for the Library’s collections and services by engaging the University and wider communities through fundraising, partnerships, publications, exhibitions, and events.
3.1.Objective: Develop a robust fundraising program that cultivates donor relationships and amasses funding for the Library’s initiatives.
3.2.Objective: Develop a proactive, systematic, and comprehensive marketing, outreach, and communications program to raise the University community’s awareness of the Library’s services, events, spaces, and resources.
3.3. Objective: Support professional connections with other libraries and communities in San Antonio, Texas, the nation, and the world.
Teaching and Learning
4.Goal: Integrate the Library as an active partner in the teaching and learning mission of the University by enabling and equipping users to discover, access, evaluate, and ethically use information.
4.1.Objective: Work with faculty, department heads, and deans to introduce new channels for integrating Library faculty in classes, programs, and academic departments.
4.1.1.Action: Begin analysis of school syllabi to develop a map of the ways in which information literacy objectives are being met throughout the curriculum.
4.2.Objective: Broaden assessment efforts related to teaching and learning in a variety of formats and measures.
4.3.Objective: Engage University stakeholders in discussions of the best ways to increase undergraduate research resources at the Library.
5.Goal: Strengthen the educational impact of Library programs for students at all levels.
5.1.Objective: Explore ways of connecting with students and faculty outside of the traditional reference and instruction settings.
User Experience
6.Goal: Create a high quality user experience that is consistent and robust, regardless of the user’s location, access method, or objective.
6.1.Objective: Continue to develop the Library website and acquire tools to improve users’ online experiences.
6.2.Objective: Offer excellent and transparent services to empower Library users in all phases of discovery and knowledge creation.
Library Spaces
7.Goal: Maintain technology-rich physical and virtual Library spaces that are welcoming, flexible, safe, and conducive to the optimum use of Library materials, and that foster creativity, enable collaboration, and encourage discovery.
7.1.Objective: Develop a systematic process for collecting and sharing information about the ways Library users work.
7.2.Objective: Ensure that the Library’s physical space develops in coordination with the evolution of the teaching and research needs of the University.
8.Goal: Develop and sustain a skilled and engaged workforce of Library faculty and staff, supported by an organizational culture that helps personnel succeed and thrive in a changing and challenging environment.
8.1.Objective: Ensure that Library positions are accurately defined, appropriately distributed, and effectively staffed.
8.2.Objective: Through new recruitment and internal development, ensure Library personnel have appropriate training for new challenges, by providing time and financial support for faculty and staff training.
8.3.Objective: Support appropriate participation in campus governance and life by Library faculty and staff.