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International Entrepreneurship

Course resources for EI4398 and BA8345- International Entrepreneurship course offered Fall 2022. Taught by Dr. Jeffery Johnson

Research Process Overview

This is a general guide to start you on the research path for your researched paper or assignment.  While research is usually a more iterative process, rather than a linear process as outlined here, this guide provides a general path. It is common to move back and forth through some of these steps as you uncover more resources and re-think the topic and the lens through which you are exploring your topic or research question. If you have any suggestions for additions to this guide, or questions, please contact one of us as noted below.

Ask A Librarian

Schedule an appointment Need help to find articles for a project? Can't find the statistics you need for your report? Do you need the latest books on your topic? Ask a Librarian.

  • Here are some additional ways we can help you: 
  • Help create a research problem statement
  • Identify related terms and concepts
  • Develop effective search strategies
  • Identify appropriate tools and resources to explore the research problem
  • Efficiently and effectively use research tools
  • Evaluate potential resources
  • Define the type of information needed to address the research problem
  • Locate data or appropriate information needed

You can contact us by one of the following ways:

  • By Appointment - Schedule an appointment to discuss your project with a librarian. These consultations can be brief (15 minutes or less) or lengthy (up to an hour). Consultations give you the chance to work one-on-one with a librarian to find, understand, and cite the best sources for your project. These appointments can be held via Zoom or in-person.
  • By Email - Contact us using the Ask a Question form.
  • By Phone - Call a research librarian at 210-436-3673 or 210-436-3346.