The maps listed on this page are divided into three categories, each with its own box. There are also separate boxes for the Middle East region (on the right) and for cities in China (at the bottom of this column).
The numbers given after the title, authoring agency and date for each map give its location in the Map File Case. The first two numbers of the three-part number for each map refer to groups of folders within the Map File Case. The final number is a unique sequential number for the particular map.
Remember that the maps listed here are only the large maps (substantially larger than standard letter-size) that are filed in the Map File Case. For information on other map locations in the Blume Library, see our main Maps Page.
Asia and Adjacent Areas. National Geographic, 1951. MAP FILE: 06-01-303
Asia and Adjacent Areas. National Geographic, 1959. MAP FILE: 06-01-304
Asia and Adjoining Europe. National Geographic, 1921. MAP FILE: 06-01-300
NOTE: All maps covering the Middle East region of Asia are listed in the box below. Other maps dealing with this region, but that also include parts of Africa or Europe, are listed in the Intercontinental Regions section of the Map Catalog.
Afghanistan and Pakistan. National Geographic, 2001. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.4 Afghanistan-Pakistan Administrative Divisions. CIA, 2011. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.8B
Afghanistan-Pakistan: Central Border Area. CIA, 2008. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.6
Asia-Pacific. National Geographic, 1989. MAP FILE: 06-02-333.1
Caspian Region. National Geographic, 1999. MAP FILE: 02-02-337.3
China-Vietnam Boundary Markers. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-02-336.1
East Asia. CIA, 1997, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-02-326, 326.1
Eastern Asia. CIA, 1984. MAP FILE: 06-02-327
Far East. National Geographic, 1952. MAP FILE: 06-02-325
Kashmir Region. CIA, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.5
Major Ethnic Groups in Central Asia. CIA, 1992. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.2
Mount Everest. National Geographic, 1988. MAP FILE: 06-02-330
Northeast Asia. CIA, 1992. MAP FILE: 06-02-328
Peoples of Southwest Asia. CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-02-337.1
Registered Afghan Refugees in Pakistan. CIA, 1987. MAP FILE: 06-02-337
South Asia. CIA, 1985. MAP FILE: 06-02-336
South Asia. National Geographic, 1997. MAP FILE: 06-02-336.2
South Asia, with Afghanistan and Burma. National Geographic, 1984. MAP FILE: 06-02-329
South China Sea. CIA, 1995. MAP FILE: 06-02-333.2
Southeast Asia. National Geographic, 1944. MAP FILE: 06-02-330.1
Southeast Asia. National Geographic, 1955. MAP FILE: 06-02-331.1
Southeast Asia. National Geographic, 1968. MAP FILE: 06-02-333
Southeast Asia: Monsoon Latitudes. National Geographic, 2009. MAP FILE: 06-02-333.2A
Southwest Asia. CIA, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-02-335.1
Southwest Asia. CIA, 1988. MAP FILE: 06-02-334.1,2
Southwest Asia. CIA, 1996. MAP FILE: 06-02-335.2
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Eastern Thailand. National Geographic, 1964. MAP FILE: 06-02-335
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. National Geographic, 1967. MAP FILE: 06-02-335.2
Afghanistan. CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.1
Afghanistan. CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.2
Afghanistan: Country Profile. CIA, 2012. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.6
Afghanistan Districts. CIA, 2003. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.5
Afghanistan. Major Insurgent Groups. CIA, 1985. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.3
Afghanistan. Pushtun Territory. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-03-350.4
Burma. CIA, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-03-351
Cambodia. CIA, 1986. MAP FILE: 06-03-352
NOTE: we have some maps of Chinese cities, mostly from the 1980's. See the box below on the left.
China. National Geographic, 1945. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.1
China. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.05A,06
China. CIA, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.13
China. National Geographic, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.2
China. CIA, 1996. MAP FILE: 6-3-353.2
China Coast and Korea. National Geographic, 1953. MAP FILE: 06-02-334
China. Nepal. CIA, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-04-365/5
China. Railroads. CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.07
China, Republic of (Taiwan). Army Topographic Command, no date. MAP FILE: 06-05-370.5A,B
India and Burma. National Geographic, 1946. MAP FILE: 06-03-355.1
India. Northeast India. CIA, 1991. MAP FILE: 06-03-355.2
Indonesia. National Geographic, 1996. MAP FILE: 06-03-356
Indonesia: Timor. CIA, 1999. MAP FILE: 06-03-356.1
Iran. CIA, 1996. MAP FILE: 06-03-357, 357.1
Iran: Born at the Crossroads. MAP FILE: 06-03-357.3
Iran: Country Profile. CIA, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-03-357.2
Iraq. CIA, 1978. MAP FILE: 06-03-358, 358.1
Iraq. CIA, 1994, 2003, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-03-358.2-5
Iraq. Central and Southern Iraq. CIA, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-03-358.7,8
Israel. CIA, 1978. MAP FILE: 06-03-359
Israel. Survey of Israel, 1963. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.10/north, south
Israel. Archeology of Jerusalem. Pictorial Archive, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.2
Israel. Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291. Survey of Israel, 1972. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.9
Israel. Jerusalem and Vicinity. CIA, 1993. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.3
Israel. Jerusalem. National Geographic, 1996. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.4
Israel. Palestine during the Period of the Judges. Westminster Press, n.d. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.11
Israel. Touring Map (northern and southern sheets. Survey of Israel, 1976. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.7/north, south
Israel. Student Map A, B: Patriarachs through Ezra-Nehemiah; Ezra-Nehemiah through Justinian. American Schools of Oriental Research, n.d. MAP FILE: 06-03-359.8A,B
Japan. CIA, 1944. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.1
Japan and Korea. National Geographic, 1945. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.2
Japan. Army Map Service, 1953. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.4
Japan. CIA, 1971. MAP FILE: 06-03-360
Japan. National Geographic, 1984. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.3
Japan. Army Topographic Command, no date. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.5
Japan. Okinawa. Army MAP FILE: 03-02-143
Jordan. CIA, 1986. MAP FILE: 06-03-360.7
Korea. Southern Korea. Army, no date. MAP FILE: 06-03-362
Korean Peninsula. CIA, 1976. MAP FILE: 06-03-362.1
North Korea. CIA, 1972. MAP FILE: 06-03-361.1364.2,3
Two Koreas. National Geographic, 2003. MAP FILE: 06-03-363
Lebanon. CIA, 1983,1985. MAP FILE: 06-03-
Malaysia and Brunei. CIA, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-04-365
Mongolia. CIA, 1978. MAP FILE: 06-04-365.2
Nepal. Everest 50. National Geographic. MAP FILE: 06-04-365.6
Nepal. CIA, 1968. MAP FILE: 06-04-365.5
Pakistan. CIA, 1973. MAP FILE: 06-04-366
Philippines. National Geographic, 1945. MAP FILE: 06-04-367.1
Philippines. CIA, 1973. MAP FILE: 06-04-367.2
Philippines. National Geographic, 1986. MAP FILE: 06-04-367.3
Philippines. CIA, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-04-367.4
Russia & the Newly Independent Nations of the Former Soviet Union. National Geographic, 1993. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.10
Russia. Moscow. CIA, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.09A
Moscow. CIA, 1986. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.09
Soviet Union. CIA, 1986. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.14
Soviet Union. CIA, 1988. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.06
Soviet Union. National Geographic, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-04-369
Soviet Union, Administrative Divisions. CIA, 1989. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.05
Street Map of Leningrad. CIA, 1977. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.11
Travel Restrictions. CIA, 1981. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.16
USSR in Maps. Army Topographic Command, no date. MAP FILE: 6-04-369.08
Saudi Arabia. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-04-368
Singapore. CIA, 1994. MAP FILE: 06-4-368s
Syria. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-05-370.1
Syria. CIA, 1980. MAP FILE: 06-05-370
Syria. CIA, 1985. MAP FILE: 06-05-370.2,3
Syria. CIA, 2004. MAP FILE: 06-05-370.4
Syria:country profile. CIA, 2011. MAP FILE: 06-05-370.4/PRO.
Turkey. CIA, 1974. MAP FILE: 06-05-372
Turkey. Republic of Turkey. CIA, 2002. MAP FILE: 06-05-373
USSR see Soviet Union.
Ukraine. Street Map of Central Kiev. CIA, 1978. MAP FILE: 06-04-369.17
Yemen. CIA, 1979. MAP FILE: 06-05-374
Yemens. CIA, 1984. MAP FILE: 06-05-374.1,2
Yemen. CIA, 2002. MAP FILE: 06-05-375
Bible Lands, Cradle of Western Civilization. National Geographic, 1946. MAP FILE: 06-02-344.2
Bible Lands. National Geographic, 1938. MAP FILE: 06-02-344.1
Eastern Mediterranean. National Geographic, 1978. MAP FILE: 06-02-341
Gaza Strip. CIA, 1993,2005. MAP FILE: 06-02-345.2,3
Golan Heights. CIA, 1991. MAP FILE: 06-02-348
Gulf War Zone. Newsweek, n.d. MAP FILE: 06-02-342.2
Holy Land. National Geographic, 1989. MAP FILE: 06-02-344.3
Iraq-Iran. Border Areas. CIA. MAP FILE: 06-02-346
Iraq-Saudi Arabia Boundary (Kuwait & vicinity). CIA, 1991. MAP FILE: 06-02-342.1
Israel. Jerusalem and Vicinity. CIA, 1984,1993. MAP FILE: 06-02-359.1,/993
Israel with Jordan. Bartholomew, 1969. MAP FILE: 06-02-341.1
Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. CIA, 1972. MAP FILE: 06-02-342
Land Use Around Jerusalem. CIA, 1993. MAP FILE: 06-02-359.5
Lands of the Bible Today. National Geographic, 1956,67. MAP FILE: 06-02-343.1,2
Middle East Briefing Map. Army 1962. MAP FILE: 06-02-339
Middle East Road Maps. U.S Army, 1962. MAP FILE: 06-02-338
Persian Gulf. CIA, 1987. MAP FILE: 06-02-346.2
Southern Lebanon and Vicinity. CIA, 1990. MAP FILE: 06-02-347.1,2
Strait of Hormuz and Vicinity. CIA, 1987. MAP FILE: 06-02-346.1
Terrain Model of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. CIA, 1993. MAP FILE: 06-02-345.2A
West Bank. CIA, 2008. MAP FILE: 06-02-345.1
West Bank & Vicinity. CIA, 1992. MAP FILE: 06-02-345/992
Beijing (Peking, whole city). CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.08A
Central Shanghai. CIA, 1991. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.10
Chengdu. CIA, 1989. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.14
Guangzhou (Canton). CIA, 1984. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.11
Shanghai. CIA, 1982. MAP FILE: 06-03-353.09