Confronting the Holocaust & Other Fears: Children as SurvivorsCall Number: DVD BF723.F4 S256 1998
Publication Date: 1998
Fr. Charles H. Miller, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at St. Mary's University, presents Dr. Patricia Owen, professor of psychology at St. Mary's University, and Mr. Oscar Ehrenberg, Nazi concentration camp survivor. The speakers discuss children and fear. Dr. Owen addresses the questions of whether certain childhood fears are universal and others culture-specific as she presents slides and data from several countries and discusses relevant aspects of these countries' culture, history, and social conditions. Mr. Ehrenberg relates his experiences as a child, in hiding and later as a deportee to Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps, and attributes his and others' survival to resilience gained from stable family backgrounds and religious convictions. Dr. Owen comments that resilience is fostered in children by the presence of a caring adult who accepts the child unconditionally, by identification and reinforcement of a child's "island of competence", and by provision of opportunities for the child to feel that he or she is contributing to the home, school, or community. (86 minutes)