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President's Peace Commission
Past Programs
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President's Peace Commission
Detailed listing and descriptions of recordings from the St. Mary's University President's Peace Commission symposia.
Past Programs
Past Programs, 2001 - 2013
Programs Spring 2010 - Spring 2013
Past Programs, 1981 - 2000
2011 Spring
2010 Fall
2010 Spring
2009 Fall
2009 Spring
2008 Fall
2008 Spring
2007 Fall
2007 Spring
2006 Fall
2006 Spring
2005 Fall
2004 Fall
2004 Spring
2003 Fall
2003 Spring
2002 Fall
2002 Spring
2001 Fall
2001 Spring
2000 Fall
2000 Spring
1999 Fall
1999 Spring
1998 Fall
1998 Spring
1997 Fall
1997 Spring
1996 Fall
1996 Spring
1995 Fall
1995 March
1995 Feb
1994 Fall
1993 Fall
1993 Spring
1992 Fall
1992 Spring
1991 Fall
1991 Feb
1990 Fall
Past Programs, 2001 - 2013
2013 Spring - The West Versus the Rest, or, Are Western Institutions Right for Everyone?
The West Versus the Rest, or, Are Western Institutions Right for Everyone?
2012 Fall - It's the End of the World ... As We Know It
It's the End of the World ... As We Know It
2012 Spring - 99%: The Struggle for Democratic Equality
99%: The Struggle for Democratic Equality
2011 Fall - Ten Years of War
Ten Years of War
2011 Spring - Rebel with a Cause: The Global Legacy of Blessed Chaminade
Rebel with a Cause: The Global Legacy of Blessed Chaminade
2010 Fall - Violence on the Border
Violence on the Border
2010 Spring - "The Other": The Challenge of Human Diversity
"The Other": The Challenge of Human Diversity
2009 Fall - In a Bad Economy: Searching for the Good
In a Bad Economy: Searching for the Good
2009 Spring - The Challenge of Change: New Administration, New Era?
The Challenge of Change: New Administration, New Era?
2008 Fall - Embracing Our World: Are We Accountable?
Embracing Our World: Are We Accountable?
2008 Spring - The Muslim World
The Muslim World
2007 Fall - Genocide in Darfur: Responding to their Cries
Genocide in Darfur: Responding to their Cries
2007 Spring - Are We Good Neighbors? University in Community
Are We Good Neighbors? University in Community
2006 Fall - Five Years Later...
Five Years Later...
2006 Spring - Trafficking in Humans
Trafficking in Humans
2005 Fall - Do We Want
Do We Want "Your Poor, Your Tired, Your Huddled Masses"? Immigration Today
2005 Spring - Sexual Dialogue
Sexual Dialogue
2004 Fall - As We Shape Our Destiny, Where is Your Voice?
As We Shape Our Destiny, Where is Your Voice?
2004 Spring - Peace through Managing Conflict
Peace through Managing Conflict
2003 Fall - Bioethics: Everything You Wanted to Know About Life or Death, But Were Afraid to Ask
Bioethics: Everything You Wanted to Know About Life or Death, But Were Afraid to Ask
2003 Spring - Bully or Friend? The US in the World Today
Bully or Friend? The US in the World Today
2002 Fall - US Education: Passing or Failing?
US Education: Passing or Failing?
2002 Spring - Understanding the Middle East
Understanding the Middle East
2001 Fall - Globalization: Problems and Promises
Globalization: Problems and Promises
2001 Spring - "...As We Forgive Our Debtors"
"...As We Forgive Our Debtors"
Programs Spring 2010 - Spring 2013
Past Programs, 1981 - 2000
2000 Fall - Why (Not) Vote?
Why (Not) Vote?
2000 Spring - Peace: An Active Approach / La Paz: Un Acercamiento Activo
Peace: An Active Approach / La Paz: Un Acercamiento Activo
1999 Fall - Human Rights Have No Borders
Human Rights Have No Borders
1999 Spring - Sex, Money, and Power: Women in the Global Economy
Sex, Money, and Power: Women in the Global Economy
1998 Fall - From Beiginnings to Peace
1998 Spring - Children Today
Children Today
1997 Fall - Vision 2050: A Look at the Future by Student Visionaries
Vision 2050: A Look at the Future by Student Visionaries
1997 Spring - Imagination into Action: A Program Focusing on Service
Imagination into Action: A Program Focusing on Service
1996 Fall - Why Vote?
Why Vote?
1996 Spring - Violence on Campus and Beyond
Violence on Campus and Beyond
1995 Fall - Ecology, Technology, and the Creation of Jobs
Ecology, Technology, and the Creation of Jobs
1995 March - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
1995 Feb - 27 Years After Martin Luther King: Where Are We, the American People?
27 Years After Martin Luther King: Where Are We, the American People?
1994 Spring - Sources of Conflict - Visions of Peace
Sources of Conflict - Visions of Peace
1994 Fall - My Rights or (Y)ours: Rights, Responsibilities, and Interdependence
My Rights or (Y)ours: Rights, Responsibilities, and Interdependence
1993 Spring - ¿Quienes Somos? Who Are We? Latinos in the US Today
¿Quienes Somos? Who Are We? Latinos in the US Today
1992 Spring - What's a Woman to Do? Women's Issues in the '90s
What's a Woman to Do? Women's Issues in the '90s
1991 Fall - Let's Not Fight. Let's Talk: Resolving Conflict through Mediation
Let's Not Fight. Let's Talk: Resolving Conflict through Mediation
1991 March - The Gulf War: What Did It Cost? What Did We Gain?
The Gulf War: What Did It Cost? What Did We Gain?
1991 Feb - Holy War or Crusade for Peace: Is the Gulf War Just?
Holy War or Crusade for Peace: Is the Gulf War Just?
1990 Fall - Is the American Education System in Crisis?
Is the American Education System in Crisis?
1990 Spring - Strength through Peace: Glasznost, Arms Reduction, Eastern Europe: Is the World in a N
Strength through Peace: Glasznost, Arms Reduction, Eastern Europe: Is the World in a New Ball Game?
1989 Fall - What on Earth Are We Doing?
What on Earth Are We Doing?
1989 Spring - The Struggle for Justice: South African Apartheid; The Palestinian 'Intifadah'
The Struggle for Justice: South African Apartheid; The Palestinian 'Intifadah'
1988 Fall - Oppression in Our Midst: Feminization of Poverty, Justice in the Allocation of Health...
Oppression in Our Midst: Feminization of Poverty, Justice in the Allocation of Health Resources
1981 Spring - Crisis, Central America; Focus, El Salvador: The US, the Dictators, the People, the Church
Crisis, Central America; Focus, El Salvador: The US, the Dictators, the People, the Church
Commissioners >>