Media and GlobalizationCall Number: DVD HM1206.S256 2001
Publication Date: 2001
Dr. Elijah Akhahenda, Communications Studies at St. Mary's University, introduces Olivia Nyombayire, a student at St. Mary's University, who was born in Rwanda; Gabriela Gonzalez-Orbegoso, a student at St. Mary's University, who was born and raised in Peru; and Bogdan Dimitrescu, a student at St. Mary's University, who was born and raised in Romania. The students discussed the languages, newspapers, and television programming from their native lands. Mr. Emilio Nicolas, Vice President and General Manager of Telemundo Stations, Inc., in San Antonio, concluded this panel presentation by discussing the Hispanic media. The largest broadcasting company outside of the United States is based in Mexico City and the first radio station in Mexico started at the same time as the first radio station in New York City. Mr. Nicolas' father and grandfather were both integral parts of the first radio stations in Mexico. A lengthy question and answer session follows. (91 minutes)